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quatre bras造句

"quatre bras"是什么意思  
  • The regiment held off attacks from French cavalry at Quatre Bras.
  • The regiment was covering the British march from Quatre Bras to Waterloo.
  • It took place near the strategic crossroads of Quatre Bras
  • Ney's scouts reached Quatre Bras that evening.
  • George Osborne is killed at Quatre Bras, while Dobbin and Rawdon survive Waterloo.
  • Sharpe then scouts far south of Quatre Bras.
  • He was wounded at the Battle of Quatre Bras and received the Waterloo Medal.
  • All had suffered badly at Quatre Bras.
  • He was present at battle of Quatre Bras, and was slightly wounded at Waterloo.
  • He posted the remainder of the brigade at Quatre Bras, along the Namur road.
  • It's difficult to see quatre bras in a sentence. 用quatre bras造句挺难的
  • With the Prussian retreat from Ligny, Wellington's position at Quatre Bras was untenable.
  • But the strategic importance of Quatre Bras did not only hinge on the Nivelles-Namur road.
  • It covered the retreat from Quatre Bras on 17 June, narrowly escaping capture by French cavalry.
  • The Brunswickers wore a silvered Quatre Bras on 16 June 1815, where the Duke lost his life.
  • The Marshall Ney commanded an attack against Wellington's forward army at the Battle of Quatre Bras.
  • It should be noted that the allied victory at Quatre Bras did prevent Ney from controlling these strategic crossroads.
  • He entered the British army in 1806, and took part in the Battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo.
  • He returned to raise fresh troops, but two years later was killed at the Battle of Quatre Bras.
  • His daughter, Caroline Kemley, was born under a gun carriage the evening before the Battle of Quatre Bras.
  • Wellington held Quatre Bras, but the Prussians were not so successful at Ligny, and were forced to retreat.
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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